Greetings In The Name Of Our Lord And Savior, Jesus Christ!
We welcome you to Saint Matthew’s Anglican Church, a Traditional church worshiping in the historical Anglican Way. We uphold the Divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures and believe the Bible contains all things necessary for salvation. We seek to follow Christ in word and deed by adhering to Scripture, Tradition, & Reason. We welcome families and their children and are dedicated to teaching them the Christian Faith in all its fullness.
Come and worship with us, and experience true orthodox Anglican Christianity!
God Bless You,
-Fr. Kenneth Bailey
Saint Matthew’s Anglican Church Is…
A traditional Anglican parish of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church instituted by Our Lord Jesus Christ. In our worship, we profess the orthodox Christian Faith by joyfully proclaiming the timeless Gospel of our Saviour and celebrating the seven Holy Sacraments as received in the canonical Holy Scriptures and the teachings of the Church Fathers. In our services, we use the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, which contains prayers and affirmations of Faith dating to the beginning of Christianity and the traditional Anglican liturgy. This liturgy has been continuously used in parishes since it was first published in 1549 Book of Common Prayer.
Episcopal meaning governed by Bishops of valid Apostolic succession (or Orders). Bishops are successors to the Apostles and, among other secular and ecclesiastical duties, confirm new members to the Church. The Faith teaches and believe that children are covered by Baptismal grace. At the age of discretion, children are given Catechism and Confirmation instruction, after which they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation conferred by a Bishop and their first communion. We do this as a balance between catholic and reformed teaching and is Scripturally based, partly on St. Paul's words in I Corinthians 11:29, "discerning the Lord's body."
Catholic yet not Roman. The Church is universal, holding earnestly the Faith for all time for all people and part of the historic Undivided Church, tracing its teachings and ministry to the early Apostolic Church instituted by Jesus Christ, the Seven Ecumenical Councils, and the unanimous consensus of the Church Fathers. St. Matthew’s is a parish of the Diocese of The Eastern United States (DEUS) within the Anglican Province of America (APA), a part of the Continuing Traditional Anglican Movement (often referred to as “Anglican Continuum”), a worldwide communion of theologically likeminded traditional, orthodox churches.

“Learn to commend thy daily acts to God, so shall the dry every-day duties of common life be steps to heaven, and lift thy heart hither.”
— Edward Bouverie Pusey
Worship With Us
Holy Eucharist (Spoken) - 9:00 AM
Holy Eucharist (Sung) - 11:00 AM
Children’s Sunday School - 10:15 AM
Holy Eucharist (Spoken) - 12:00 PM
Holy Eucharist (Spoken) - 7:00 PM